Air Conditioner Replacement Services Calgary

From expert assessments to seamless installations, we got everything covered.

Sit back, relax, and let the top-notch air conditioner replacement services in Calgary take care of your cooling needs!

Experienced Air Conditioner Replacement Services in Calgary

There’s going to come a time when your failing air conditioning system will need replaced. You’ll need a professional you can trust to steer you in the right direction.

We are Calgary’s finest and most respected air conditioner replacement company. No matter how old or worn your system is, our team can help you select the right air conditioner for maximum comfort, efficiency, and savings.

Call (403) 452-7076 or fill out our online form to schedule a free estimate.

Innovative Air Conditioning Products

Shift Air Mechanical offers a full line of high-quality air-conditioning equipment.  Our work and our products are backed by some of the strongest warranties in the business, to ensure your complete peace of mind and protection.  When you choose Shift Air Mechanical, you’re choosing experts who are invested in your comfort.  We’ll help you select the perfect system to match your family’s needs, your home’s demands – while keeping in-line with your budget.

When is it Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

As a homeowner, it’s important to have an efficient air conditioning system that you can rely on. However, cooling systems do not last forever, so it’s important to be aware of the signs it’s time to replace it. Here are a few things to look for:

  • Age: If your cooling equipment is more than 15 years old, chances are a replacement would be more cost effective than more repairs.
  • Efficiency: If you have noticed an increase in your energy bills, your AC is probably not functioning as it should.
  • Repairs: If the cost of repairing the equipment is comparable to a large percentage of a new system, the repair just doesn’t make sense.
  • Frequent Breakdowns: If your air conditioner seems to always be breaking down, it’s time to start shopping.
  • Home Comfort: If your home just never seems to get comfortable or cool enough, a new AC system may be in order.
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How to Choose a New Air Conditioner?

Are you ready to replace the air conditioner in your home, but unsure of how to select the right one?

Selecting an air conditioner involves deciding the size, brand, and level of energy efficiency needed to keep you home comfortable in every season. Many new models also offer upgraded features such as variable speed technology, communicating capabilities, and quiet-tech performance. With so many decisions to make, it can become overwhelming to choose which options you need and will produce the biggest payback. Shift Air Mechanical is here to help, we’ll walk you through each option and help you determine which system is right for you and your budget.

Call (403) 452-7076 to discover the Shift Air Mechanical difference.

We look forward to serving you!


You may need to replace your air conditioner if it’s over 10-15 years old, requires frequent repairs, is inefficient, or if you’re facing consistently high energy bills. If your unit is no longer providing sufficient cooling or it’s using an outdated refrigerant, these are also signs that a replacement may be necessary.

When selecting a new air conditioner, consider the system’s size (capacity), energy efficiency ratings (such as SEER), the type of unit (central, split, window, or portable), your home’s insulation, local climate, and your budget. It’s important to choose a unit that is correctly sized for your home to ensure efficiency and comfort.

The time it takes to replace an air conditioner can vary, but a typical installation will take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. This timeframe can be affected by the complexity of the installation, the type of system being installed, and any additional work needed, such as ductwork modifications or upgrades.

Air conditioner replacement generally requires specialized knowledge, tools, and certification to handle refrigerants. It’s strongly recommended to hire a professional HVAC technician for the replacement to ensure it’s done safely and in compliance with local building codes and manufacturer specifications.

To ensure your new air conditioner operates efficiently, have it professionally installed, regularly maintained, and cleaned. Make sure your home is well-insulated, seal any air leaks, use a programmable thermostat, and replace or clean air filters regularly to maintain airflow and efficiency.

The most expensive part to replace on an air conditioner is typically the compressor. The compressor is the heart of the air conditioning system, responsible for circulating refrigerant and transferring heat. If it fails, it can be quite costly to replace due to the part itself and the labor involved.

The cost to replace an AC unit in Calgary can vary widely depending on factors like the size of the unit, the type of system, brand, installation complexity, and any additional services or upgrades required. On average, homeowners might expect to pay anywhere from CAD 3,000 to CAD 8,000 or more for a new air conditioner installation.

Replacing an AC unit can be worth it if your current system is old, inefficient, or requires frequent and costly repairs. A new air conditioner can provide better cooling, lower energy bills, improved air quality, and come with warranties that provide peace of mind. It is important to weigh the cost of replacement against the benefits of a new, efficient system.

Replacing an AC unit can be expensive due to several factors, including the cost of the air conditioner itself, labor charges for installation, potential modifications to your existing ductwork or electrical system, and any additional features or technology included in new models. High-efficiency units and those with advanced features tend to be more expensive as well.